3 Principles of Great Landscape Design

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At T&S Services LLC, we are passionate about landscape design, and we want to help you create your ideal garden. No matter what vision you have in mind for your landscape, our team has the right knowledge and experience to help you achieve it. In this article, we will go over three of the guiding principles we use to create beautiful landscapes.

3 Principles of Great Landscape Design

  • Mass – In visual design (including landscape design), the term mass refers to the visual size of an object, such as a tree, planting bed, or other element. Good landscape design incorporates elements of various masses to give the space visual interest. For example, we might include a broad area of low groundcover to balance out a taller tree or hardscaping element.
  • Focus – Another principle we use to guide our landscape design projects is focus. A design with no focal point feels disorganized rather than harmonious. We’ll work with you to figure out which areas of your landscape are the most important, then use techniques to draw the eye to that spot. For example, you can choose your patio or seating area as a focal point or place the emphasis on a tree or planting.
  • Transitions – The third landscape design principle we’ll cover here is the importance of transitions. Our team will use design techniques to make one area of your landscape flow smoothly into the next, rather than shifting abruptly from place to place. Using transitions well makes the landscape look and feel like a cohesive whole rather than a collection of disparate parts.